California Striped Bass Association LogoWest Delta Chapter

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Striped BassThe purpose of the California Striped Bass Association (CSBA) is the preservation, protection and enhancement of Striped Bass. This website is maintained by the West Delta Chapter. There are other chapters which can be located through the CSBA state website,

That purpose can only be achieved by a continuing effort toward four distinct objectives:

  1. Advocacy
  2. Promotion of youth fishing
  3. A fishing club with a focus on striped bass conservation through respectful careful handling of the resource
  4. Dissemination of information relating to the above three objectives to educate and inform our community

Delta fishermen founded the Association in 1974 as they became aware of the decline in abundance of Striped Bass and negative changes to Delta ecology 14 years after the State Water Project went on line in conjunction with the Federal Central Valley Project which started exporting water in the 1940's.

The CSBA advocated for the Striped Bass Stamp to raise money to enhance the fishery. All monies from the stamp were dedicated to Striped Bass. When the Department of Fish and Game stopped supporting Striped Bass the Association made certain that the Striped Bass Stamp was terminated.

The CSBA West Delta Chapter assisted our member, Tom Hampson, in constructing floating rearing pens. "Salvaged" striped bass fry from water export operations were trucked to the rearing pens in Grizzly Bay where they could grow to releasable size. Their diet was natural food flowing through the nets and supplemented with fish chow. This program ended when NOAA fisheries stopped issuing permits to release the fish fearing striped bass predation on infant salmon and steelhead. Since then, many studies have been performed which show Striped Bass predation is not a factor in salmon/steelhead mortality or population declines.

Advocacy requires a strong voice and we recruit fishermen and women who care.

Regarding youth fishing, our late member, Uril "Compy" Compomizzo started the "Hooked on Fishing, Not Drugs" fishing program and kids fishing derby. The West Delta Chapter continues that tradition and conducts a Kid's Free Fishing Derby every year at Contra Loma Reservoir.

The fishing club conducts a year-long President's Derby which requires potential trophy fish to be measured and released. Members also share fishing techniques and tips.
The club meets monthly (see Membership tab) for good food, good fellowship, interesting speakers and general CSBA news


California Striped Bass Association
West Delta Chapter
P.O.Box 2691
Antioch, California 94531-2691


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